July 2015 flood attack

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Revision as of 17:23, 8 July 2015 by Taras (talk | contribs)
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The July 2015 flood attack is an ongoing "stress test" of the Bitcoin network. The distributed attack has provoked hundreds of thousands of transactions, leaving over 80,000 in the mempool at one time.[1][2]

Some single-word brainwallets ("password", "cat"[3], etc.) have been the recipients of thousands of transactions, leaving 0.00001 BTC outputs. F2Pool has been concatenating these outputs in huge 1MB transactions.[4][5][6][7] These transactions fill up an entire block on their own, and are far too large to be relayed by nodes; they have only been confirmed because F2Pool dedicated blocks to them.[8] Some nodes report having spent over 20 seconds on one of these transactions,[9] leaving sites including Blockchain.info and TradeBlock temporarily impaired.[10][11]
