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Coinsecure is a Bitcoin exchange based in India.

Bitcoin startup is founded by Benson Samuel and Mohit Kalra, Coinsecure has been actively working on enabling Indian users with Bitcoin technology.

Coinsecure Team [1]

  • Benson Samuel – Co-Founder and CTO is a very well known personality in the Bitcoin space. He is the Moderator of the India Bitcoin Forum.
  • Mohit Kalra – Delhi based industrialist, very well connected with the core development team of Bitcoin like Jeff Garzik.
  • Elizabeth Ploshay McCauley – She has been a well-respected evangelist for the digital currency over the course of several years. A positive and open-minded approach to Bitcoin has landed her opportunities to work with prominent industry members, such as the BitGive Foundation, Bitcoin Foundation, and Bitpay, to name a few. [2]

They launched India's first Bitcoin to INR based Block chain Explorer[3][4]

“We are days away from launching a powerful tool to help people from across India enable themselves with Bitcoin. We have been in development mode over the past few months and thanks to a stellar team, we have a secure, fast and easy Exchange in place. We had earlier launched – a block explorer aimed at India, a Paperwallet Service and – a news portal that aggregates news about Bitcoin in India.” ~ Benson Samuel, CTO & Co-founder of Coinsecure - Is India missing on the Bitcoin wave?

“Bitcoin will fit in as a global mode of payment. It will be the sole currency and not valued by the fiat. Whether online or off-line commerce or just holding Bitcoin, the freedom of being your own bank is unbeatable. The freedom of government and banks not controlling our money, we thought we would never have, is now here and it’s Bitcoin. It’s an opportunity for people in rural places with no banks to hold and protect their money with no registration or saving fees at all.” ~ Mohit Kalra, CEO & Co-founder of Coinsecure - Exclusive: An Interview With the Coinsecure Team -

Trade Engine

“Our trade engine is now the focus for us at the moment, as we get a tool to finally direct people who want to get involved with Bitcoin. We launched as a mock trading exchange where each user is given test rupees and test Bitcoin. In order to make this a bit more interesting, we are rewarding the top 20 user balances at the end of its first month. It is still very early for India and we are hoping to see a lot more active participation through 2015.” Benson Samuel

After success of Mock Bitcoin trade engine for 1 month in December 2014, Coinsecure's Trade Engine went live and began accepting real time Bitcoin trades and INR deposits since January 2015.[5]

Beyond currency – Blockchain

“Record keeping, mass surveys, population census, railway ticket authentication, the list is endless in terms of how India can leverage Blockchain technology. Several corporates and groups are already looking into maintaining their internal ledger on a Blockchain.” ~ Benson Samuel suggests some possibilities, however wild it may seem now.


External links