BitCoinD Cloud Hosting

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Are you tired of these so called online wallets that you just keep loosing your money in? Most of this money is your business money anyways right? And you don't want to spend the money on a server of your own just to host your "bitcoind" daemon for your business transactions.

Microtronix has come up with a solution for you then. Our bitcoind online wallet hosting service. Our service IS NOT an online wallet, it's not a web based wallet system with it's own API to learn and integrate. It's NOT a community wallet, we can't stress this enough. All of these services require you to use their wallets and it's a community wallet, where YOUR money is stored with everyone else's money.

We are not that. What we are is this. We have a couple dedicated servers that their only purpose on this planet is to host "bitcoind" daemons. What does this mean you ask?

It's simple, you sign up with our bitcoin online wallet service. We then create you a new user on our linux servers, this user has his own user directory on the server. We then compile "bitcoind" from scratch for YOUR user alone, then launch the "bitcoind" service on our servers for ONLY your user! So it's like having your own server running the bitcoind daemon.

This means that you have 100% online access to your wallet at all times! Second, instead of a community wallet, you have your very own personal wallet.dat file that is yours and yours alone! Since it's in your user directory and Linux is one of the most secure OS's on the market for user permissions only you and your passwords have access to the service and YOUR wallet.

Lastly, the wallet.dat file is YOURS, it is yours alone and we have zero rights to the file. Since this is not a community wallet service we don't own your wallets! What you are buying from us is hosting basically, this falls under our typical terms of service, all files contained in your user directory are YOURS and yours alone. No more worrying if an online wallet site steals your coins, THEIR YOURS, you own them, you own the wallet.


  • Your own personal wallet.dat file
  • Your own bitcoind daemon running on our servers
  • SSH access
  • SSH access is only allowed with pre-authorized Keys, this means no one can brute force hack your password to hack into your user in SSH. SSH auth keys are the most secure SSH login.
  • SSH on non-standard port for more security
  • All SSH accounts are jailshelled so limited access to the client only.
  • Your bitcoind daemon runs on YOUR very own port, the default is 8332. We give each user their own port on our server and they are non-default ports.
  • Bitcoind access with SSL only. When you sign up we automatically generate a self signed security certificate for YOUR user and YOUR bitcoind daemon, unique to you.
  • A user control panel to control your keys and files.
  • Our bitcoin servers do NOT host any Apache, MySQL or any other service. This is for security reasons, the only services on our servers are: SSH, Webmin for your control panel and bitcoind for each user. So no PHP, no hacking of apache.
  • We have special security measures in webmin that blocks each user after 2 failed attemps to login, for security reasons this is GREAT!
  • Our firewall also blocks users after 2 failed attempts to login
  • Our firewall BLOCK all and every port to our servers ACCEPT the bitcoind open ports for each service running and SSH ports. Our server also blocks all port scanning and pinging of the server to block every intrusion attempt we could think of.
  • Our firewall also automatically blocks all IPs that try guess your bitcoind password, so if someone tries to hack your bitcoind daemon, 2 tries and they are blocked!
  • We run rkhunter and chkhunter each and every morning to check for Rootkits on the server.
  • You have full access to your bitcoind client using the bitcoind API calls, you can use a PHP script to access or use our professional version of FastCat BRPC being launched very soon now.
  • Very shortly we are launching a webmin module for control of your personal bitcoind client. This webmin module will do basic operations on your bitcoind wallet all locally, so no risk of hacking the scripts.

More Info

What does all this mean? It means the only way a potential hacker can get into your wallet file is to guess YOUR password or hack YOUR personal PC. This is more secure than any other online wallet service since we don't host PHP websites, those are easy to hack. We don't host FTP access, and we don't allow SSH with passwords, this is the most secure.

What's more is that if any ONE single user account gets hacked on the server and the wallet stolen, that user that was hacked has ZERO access to your user files. So even if one single user is hacked, the rest are 100% secure from the intrusion.

This all means the best in security for your online wallet. The only way in is if a hacker guesses your password to YOUR account. We also require a certain strength of password, so each password has to be secure to be used on our servers, this provides even more security for your account and wallet.


The project was announced on August 14th, 2011[1].

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