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Abbreviation Pronunciation Decimal (BTC) Tonal (TBC)
Maximum BitCoins ever 20,999,999.9769     7,750,54.00 
Tam-BitCoin 2,814,749.76710656 1,0000,0000     
MBTC Mega-BitCoin 1,000,000          593,1079.4   
kBTC Kilo-BitCoin 1,000          17,4876.8  
hBTC Hecto-BitCoin 100          2,540.4  
ᵇTBC Bong-BitCoin 42.94967296 1,0000     
daBTC Deca-BitCoin 10          39.9  
ᵐTBC Mill-BitCoin 2.68435456 1000     
BTC *BitCoin 1          55.1  
ˢTBC San-Bitcoin 0.16777216 100     
dBTC Deci-BitCoin 0.1        8.68 
ᵗTBC Ton-BitCoin 0.01048576 10     
cBTC Centi-BitCoin 0.01       .424 
mBTC Milli-BitCoin 0.001      1.869 
TBC *BitCoin 0.00065536 1     
TBCᵗ BitCoin-ton 0.00004096 0.1   
TBCˢ BitCoin-san 0.00000256 0.01  
μBTC Micro-BitCoin 0.000001   0.0064
TBCᵐ BitCoin-mill 0.00000016 0.001 
TBCᵇ BitCoin-bong 0.00000001 0.0001

* Tonal BitCoin and Decimal BitCoin can be differentiated by the pronunciation of the numbers. "One bitcoin", "two bitcoin", etc is decimal, but "an bitcoin", "de bitcoin" is tonal.