
From Bitcoin Wiki
Revision as of 15:05, 1 November 2014 by Taras (talk | contribs) (Undo revision 52432 by Taras (talk))
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  • title=text - Required - Definition of title. Lack thereof destroys the render.
  • image1=path - Places an image found from the given path.
  • headern=text - Where n is the location of the header, 1 being directly under the icon or n being directly under content ID n-1, place a header with text. Current maximum of 24.
  • contentn=text - Insert a row of data with text for a title at position n. Current maximum of 24.
  • datan=text - Insert text corresponding to content at same position. Ignored when respective content ID is undefined.

There are many more arguments that I recommend using sparingly. If you want them, check the source.

Doc last revised by: Taras (talk) 22:00, 13 August 2014 (UTC)