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GLobal Bitcoin Stock Exchange

The Global Bitcoin Stock Exchange allows Bitcoin investors, traders, and entrepreneurs to efficiently allocate resources.

Currently in development and testing it will allow people to:

   * Issue shares to raise capital
   * Pay dividends to shareholders
   * Put resolutions to shareholders and get their vote
   * Issue and sell bonds
   * Borrow and lend to the market
   * Make and recieve loan repayments
   * Issue futures contracts
   * Meta-trade on non listed companies (on other exchanges)
   * And trade all of the above with other traders on the market

The service is being developed by the first bitcoin company BitcoinGlobal. The site entered testing phase under an internal code name before being opened with a round 3 of testing on April 27, 2011[1] and launch soon after.

A version 2.0 with a vastly revamped architecture remains under development, as-of March 23, 2012[2].

See Also

External Links
