Merged mining specification

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Revision as of 19:51, 11 October 2011 by Makomk (talk | contribs) (More notes.)
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Aux proof-of-work

This is used to prove work on the aux chain. In vinced's original implementation it's generated by calling the getworkaux RPC method on the parent bitcoind and then the work is then submitted by passing it to the aux-chain namecoind as the second parameter to getauxblock.

Field Size Description Data type Comments
? txns txn Coinbase transaction linking the aux to its parent block
? merkle_link mrkllink The merkle path linking the coinbase (above) to its block
? aux_branch_count var_int Number of merkle branches linking this aux chains to the aux root
32* aux_branch[] char[32] Linking aux merkle branches
4 index int32_t Index of "this" block chain in the aux chain list
80 parent_block block header Parent block header

Merkle link

Field Size Description Data type Comments
32 block_hash char[32] Hash of the block header
? branch_count var_int The number of links to bring the transaction to the block's merkle root
32* branch[] char[32] Linking merkle branches
4 index int32_t Index of this transaction in the merkle tree

Merged mining coinbase

Insert exactly one of these headers into the scriptSig of the coinbase on the parent chain. vinced's code always inserts an OP_2 in front of it, but you don't have to.

Field Size Description Data type Comments
4 mm_header char[4] Magic bytes: 0xfa, 0xbe, 'm', 'm'
32 block_hash char[32] Hash of the aux work merkle tree
4 merkle_size int32_t Number of entries in aux work merkle tree
4 merkle_nonce int32_t Nonce used to calculate indexes into aux work merkle tree

Aux work merkle tree

If you're just mining a single auxiliary chain, you don't have to worry about this - just set the merkle tree hash in the coinbase to the aux chain block's hash, the merkle size to 1, and the merkle nonce to 0. TODO: full documentation.