Libbitcoin Blockchain

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The libbitcoin-blockchain library is a dependency of libbitcoin-node and libbitcoin-server. It was originally contained within libbitcoin.


#include <string>
#include <bitcoin/blockchain.hpp>

// Initialize the blockchain
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    std::string prefix("blockchain");
    if (argc > 1)
        prefix = argv[1];
    bc::chain::db_paths paths(prefix);
    constexpr size_t history_height = 0;
    bc::chain::db_interface interface(paths, { history_height });
    const auto genesis = bc::genesis_block();
    return 0;


The original implementation used LevelDB. Following a redesign in late 2014 by Amir Taaki (genjix) the database was replaced by a memory-mapped I/O implementation. Logical queries are performed using a set of hash tables. The number of hash buckets is optimized to minimize hash collisions, though collisions are accommodated. These changes resulted in a substantial performance increase, near constant time, for queries against the blockchain. Insert performance was not materially affected.


The following files constitute the blockchain database non-volatile storage. As of height 350,000 the database consumes approximately 105 GB of disk space.

  • blocks_lookup
  • blocks_rows
  • history_lookup
  • history_rows
  • spends
  • stealth_index
  • stealth_rows
  • txs

Consensus Validation

By default the library depends on the libbitcoin-consensus library. This ensures that consensus checks are identical to those implemented by bitcoind. By building using the --without-consensus flag the dependency is avoided and libbitcoin native consensus checks are used instead.


  • There is no mechanical hard drive optimization. The implementation is intended for solid state drives (SSD).
  • There is a possibility of index corruption during hard shutdown. There is no means of detecting corruption aside from catastrophic fault. However given that the entire blockchain is a cache this is not considered significant. Repair can be accomplished by re-synchronizing the blockchain.
  • Data files are append only, with logical deletions only. Therefore file size is not minimized following blockchain reorganization although the impact is typically small. Defragmentation can be accomplished by re-synchronizing the blockchain.
  • The database is effectively locked during write operations. As these operations are anticipated on a period of approximately ten minutes this is not typically significant. However during a period of catch-up synchronizing the server can become continuously unresponsive to requests.


See Also