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Was an [[currency exchange|exchange]] offering multiple trading markets for trading bitcoins against multiple currencies.
'''Intersango''' was an [[currency exchange|exchange]] offering multiple trading markets for trading bitcoins against multiple currencies.
Traders add funds and then place orders to buy and sell.  Intersango acted as an escrow. The site charged no/low trading fees.
Intersango had a trading API.
A buy order is executed partially or in full when the price bid can be matched against a sell order that is at or below the bid amount.
A sell order is executed partially or in full when the price asked can be matched against a buy order that is at or above the ask amount.
No Fee (for a limited time).
==Adding Funds==
There are no fees incurred when when transferring bitcoins for deposit.  Funds are available once [[confirmation|confirmed]] (4 confirms), a process that can take roughly forty minutes.
The exchange accepts SEPA bank transfers for deposit.  A 5 PLN fee is taken by the bank. No additional fees is taken.
The exchange accepts polish bank transfers for deposit.  There are no fees.
==Withdrawing Funds==
Bitcoins may be withdrawn at no charge.
Withdrawals as SEPA transfers.  A fee of 5 PLN is taken by the bank.  No additional fee is charged.
Withdrawals as standard polish PLN bank transfers.
See the [ API page] for more info.
Streaming API code example:
<source lang="python">
# expected message types are
# "orderbook", "depth", "trade", "ping"
import socket, json
s = socket.create_connection(('', 1337))
b = ''
while True:
    b += s.recv(8192)
    while '\r\n' in b:
        i = b.find('\r\n')
        m = b[:i].strip()
        b = b[i+2:]
        m = json.loads(m)
        print m
Trading API:
<source lang="python">
import httplib
import urllib
import json
class Intersango:
    ORDER_QUEUED = 'queued'
    ORDER_OPEN = 'open'
    ORDER_EXPIRED = 'expired'
    ORDER_CANCELLED = 'cancelled'
    ORDER_FULFILLED = 'fulfilled'
    BUY = 'false'
    SELL = 'true'
    def __init__(self, api_key):
        self.connection = httplib.HTTPSConnection('')
        self.api_key = api_key
    def make_request(self, page, params={}):
        headers = {"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
                  "Connection": "Keep-Alive", "Keep-Alive": 30,
                  "Accept": "text/plain"}
        if type(params) == dict:
            params['api_key'] = self.api_key
        elif type(params) == list:
            params.append(('api_key', self.api_key))
            raise TypeError('Unknown parameter list type')
        params = urllib.urlencode(params)
        base_url = '/api/authenticated/v0.1/%s.php'%page
        self.connection.request('POST', base_url, params, headers)
        response = self.connection.getresponse()
        if response.status == 404:
            return None
        return json.loads(
    def accounts(self):
        return self.make_request('listAccounts')
    def orders(self, account_id, states=[], last_order_id=None):
        params = [('account_id', account_id)]
        for state in states:
            params.append(('states[]', state))
        if last_order_id is not None:
            params.append(('last_order_id', last_order_id))
        return self.make_request('listOrders', params)
    def deposits(self, account_id):
        return self.make_request('listDeposits', {'account_id': account_id})
    def withdrawals(self, account_id):
        return self.make_request('listWithdrawalRequests',
                                {'account_id': account_id})
    def place_limit_order(self, quantity, rate, is_selling, base_id, quote_id):
        params = {'quantity': quantity, 'rate': rate, 'selling': is_selling,
                  'base_account_id': base_id, 'quote_account_id': quote_id}
        return self.make_request('placeLimitOrder', params)
    def cancel_order(self, account_id, order_id):
        params = {'account_id': account_id, 'order_id': order_id}
        return self.make_request('requestCancelOrder', params)
    def cancel_withdrawal(self, account_id, withdrawal_request_id):
        params = {'account_id': account_id,
                  'withdrawal_request_id': withdrawal_request_id}
        return self.make_request('cancelWithdrawalRequest', params)
Example usage:
<source lang="python">
    intersango = Intersango('3223kdkk323h32kj3hkj23233j')
    print 'Accounts: ', intersango.accounts()
    print 'Orders: ', \
            [Intersango.ORDER_CANCELLED, Intersango.ORDER_FULFILLED])
    print 'Deposits: ', intersango.deposits(861502532543)
    print 'Withdrawals: ', intersango.withdrawals(702703681384)
    intersango.place_limit_order('1', '2.0', Intersango.BUY,
                                861502521543, 411982412410)
    intersango.cancel_order(412989412410, 21724)

The service was launched on July 6, 2011<ref>[ EUR exchange is now live]</ref>.  The Intersango [[:Category:Open Source|open source]] software that the exchange runs on was announced on March 17, 2011<ref>[ Free Bitcoin exchange software- Intersango]</ref>.  In September, 2011 the exchange began using a new version of the Intersango open source exchange project with two currency markets (BTC/EUR, BTC/USD) live under the Intersango brand and plans made for the third (BTC/GBP) when [[Britcoin]] accounts are migrated at a future date.
The service was launched on July 6, 2011<ref>[ EUR exchange is now live]</ref>.  The Intersango [[:Category:Open Source|open source]] software that the exchange runs on was announced on March 17, 2011<ref>[ Free Bitcoin exchange software- Intersango]</ref>.  In September, 2011 the exchange began using a new version of the Intersango open source exchange project with two currency markets (BTC/EUR, BTC/USD) live under the Intersango brand and plans made for the third (BTC/GBP) when [[Britcoin]] accounts are migrated at a future date.

Revision as of 23:00, 8 December 2017

Intersango was an exchange offering multiple trading markets for trading bitcoins against multiple currencies.

The service was launched on July 6, 2011[1]. The Intersango open source software that the exchange runs on was announced on March 17, 2011[2]. In September, 2011 the exchange began using a new version of the Intersango open source exchange project with two currency markets (BTC/EUR, BTC/USD) live under the Intersango brand and plans made for the third (BTC/GBP) when Britcoin accounts are migrated at a future date.

On October 9, 2012, the exchange announced imminent plans to shutter its BTC/USD market. On December 19, 2012, the exchange closed its BTC/GBP market after being unable to re-establish a UK banking relationship[3].

See Also

External Links
