Transaction accelerator

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What to Do if Your Bitcoin Transaction Gets "Stuck"

The number of transactions on the Bitcoin network has steadily increased over the years. This means more blocks are filling up. And as not all transactions can be included in the blockchain straight away, backlogs form in miners’ “mempools” (a sort of “transaction queue.”)

Miners typically pick the transactions that pay the most fees and include these in their blocks first. Transactions that include lower fees are “outbid” on the so called “fee market,” and remain in miners’ mempools until a new block is found. If the transaction is outbid again, it has to wait until the next block.

This can lead to a suboptimal user experience. Transactions with too low a fee can take hours or even days to confirm, and sometimes never confirm at all.

But there are PAID and Free bitcoin transaction acceleration services available now which you can use to keep your own transaction from getting stuck.

Bitcoin transaction accelerators

  • This service is provided by in cooperation with several main mining pools. The fee was around 70 USD on December 20, 2017 and the transaction was confirmed within 3 hours. You can pay by BCH or country-specific methods and they estimate the fee based on the transaction size. They promise a chance of 75% for including transactions in the next block within one hour. Within 4 hours the chance is claimed to be at 98%. They guarantee that if the transaction isn’t confirmed in 12 hours, the fees will be fully refunded to your card within 10 ~ 15 days. This policy is not applicable to the transactions which are removed or double-spent during the acceleration process.
  • Hooli - Hooli is a relatively new transaction accelerator.
  • ViaBTC - overloaded as of December 20, 2017. ViaBTC implemented this service to protest against the prior 1MB limitation of the Bitcoin network. ViaBTC gives priority to user-submitted transactions for the next mined blocks by the ViaBTC pool. The only requirement is the transaction must include a minimum fee of 0.0001BTC/KB.The free-to-use nature of the service may have made it widely popular as every hour, the number of transaction requested reaches its limit and it is common to be presented with the message “Submissions are beyond limit. Please try later.” on the top middle of the page. This means one must wait for the next block to try a new submission. After submitting a transaction, there is a wait for the next block to be mined by ViaBTC Pool.
  • The service asks for payment but there's no button to pay. Old note: "Warning This website turned into a big scam."