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A mining pool server which offers shared block payouts. This pool gives you the most statistics and believes in keeping everything as transparent as possible. This pool also shows you the efficiency of your bitcoin miner, which is very unique. The pool operates on the fact that more efficient miners reduce the amount of resources used by server, and with fewer resources being wasted, the server can handle a very large number of users.

Only shares from the current block in the current round are accepted.

The pool operators also released poclbm-mod which is a modified version of m0mchil's poclbm miner that is 5x more efficient. What this means is that poclbm-mod searches through the entire work it receives from the server before asking for more work, which reduces the amount of wasted resources. Currently, no other miners are as efficient as poclbm-mod.

The service was first available for Beta testing starting March 08, 2011[1].

How to run various miners

BitcoinPool Miner (Windows):

poclbm-mod.exe -d 0 -v -w 128 -f 60 -user=USERNAME --pass=PASSWORD

BitcoinPool Miner (*nix OS):

python -d 0 -v -w 128 -f 60 --user=USERNAME --pass=PASSWORD

m0mchil's GPU miner (*nix OS):

python poclbm -d 0 -v -w 128 -f 60 -user=USERNAME --pass=PASSWORD

m0mchil's GPU miner (Windows):

poclbm.exe -d 0 -v -w 128 -f 60 -user=USERNAME --pass=PASSWORD

DiabloMiner (*nix): -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD -o -r 8334 -g 10

DiabloMiner (Windows):

java -cp target\libs\*;target\DiabloMiner-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar -Djava.library.path=target\libs\natives\windows com.diablominer.DiabloMiner.DiabloMiner -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD -o -r 8334 -g 10

puddinpop's RPC miner (*nix OS):

rpcminer-[PLATFORM] -url= -user=USERNAME -password=PASSWORD -workrefreshms=20000 Note: Replace [PLATFORM] with opencl for ATI/AMD cards, or cuda for nVidia cards, and add the -gpu flag if not using cpu.

puddinpop's RPC miner (Windows):

rpcminer-[PLATFORM].exe -url= -user=USERNAME -password=PASSWORD -workrefreshms=20000 Note: Replace [PLATFORM] with opencl for ATI/AMD cards, or cuda for nVidia cards, and add the -gpu flag if not using cpu.

Ufasoft's CPU Miner (Windows):

bitcoin-miner.exe -a 20 -t # -o -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD Note: The # sign after -t indicates the number of cores in your CPU. i.e an Intel Core 2 Quad would use '-t 4'.

jgarzik's CPU miner (*nix):

minerd -s 20 -t 2 --url --userpass USERNAME:PASSWORD

jgarzik's CPU miner (Windows):

minerd.exe -s 20 -t 2 --url --userpass USERNAME:PASSWORD

See Also

External Links
