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Basic Information

    3.5T (+-5%)

Power consumption:
    990W (measure on 12V port of the device)
    1100W (on the wall, with assumption of 90% power conversion ratio)

Power per hash:
    270J/THash (device only)
    295J/THash (on the wall, with assumption of 90% power conversion

    Support automatically optimize frequency, no need to overclock manually.

PSU output pin:
    4x6PIN PCIe power connector. *All must be connected.*

PSU requirements:
    Minimum 1100W output, recommend to use high-quality PSU for server
with more than 1200W output and high quality power cable.
    Input voltage no lower than 11.7V and no higher than 12.2V (numbers
take from the controller)
    Lower voltage leads to lower hashrate and higher voltage leads to
possible device burning down.
    NOTICE: Poor quality cable may result in low voltage.

    Specs: 12038
    Current: between 1.6A and 2.8A.
    Minimum RPM: 3800.
    *NOTICE* If the fan is broken or the fan's RPM cannot be measure,
the device will not start.

    Raspberry Pi (version B or B+)
    Raspberry Pi 2 will be supported at the middle of December 2015
    Each Rpi can control approximately ~12 devices.

    Each AUC can connect up to 6 devices.


Net weight:

Protection Degree:


Avalon6 LED

White Power on
Blue Working normally
Yellow blinking Idle normally
Green blinking Detect fan and mcu
White blinking Turn on LED manually
Red blinking Toohot/Loopback failed/PG failed/Coretest failed/Voltage error/Temperature sensor error/No fan


Blue Initializing or Idle normally
Green Working normally
Red Communication failed

MM Error Codes

Query EC here

1 CODE_IDLE WARN Idle Check if the network is ok or AUC is work normally
2 CODE_TOOHOT FATAL Too hot Check if the fan is connect successfully
4 CODE_LOOP0FAILED FATAL Channel 0 loopback failed Replace a new hash unit for channel 0 if PG0 is ok
8 CODE_LOOP1FAILED FATAL Channel 1 loopback failed Replace a new hash unit for channel 1 if PG1 is ok
16 CODE_INVALIDMCU FATAL MCU cann't be detected Replace a new CTRL board
32 CODE_NOSTRATUM WARN No stratum Check if the network is ok or AUC is work normally
64 CODE_RBOVERFLOW WARN Nonce ringbuffer overflow Ignore it please, If CGMiner is restart, It will be ok.
128 CODE_MMCRCFAILED WARN Ignore it please, If CGMiner is restart, It will be ok. Find iic rx crc mismatch
256 CODE_MCUCRCFAILED WARN Find mcu rx irc mismatch Ignore it please, If CGMiner is restart, It will be ok.
512 CODE_NOFAN FATAL Fan cann't be found Check the fan connection
1024 CODE_PG0FAILED FATAL Channel 0 power good failed Check the PSU for channel 0
2048 CODE_PG1FAILED FATAL Channel 1 power good failed Check the PSU for channel 1
4096 CODE_CORETESTFAILED FATAL Find bad chip on channel 0 or channel 1 Replace a new hash unit if hash rate is too low, or else you can ignore it.
8192 CODE_ADC0_ERR FATAL Temperature sensor cann't be detected on channel 0 Replace a new hash unit for channel 0
16384 CODE_ADC1_ERR FATAL Temperature sensor cann't be detected on channel 1 Replace a new hash unit for channel 1
32768 CODE_VOL_ERR FATAL MM is not permit to run at the voltage for safety Change another PSU for the machine

TYPE meaning:

 WARN-It designates potentially harmful situations, but you can ignore it.
 FATAL-It designates very severe error events that will presumably lead the Avalon6 to crash.


RPi Firmware


  • OpenWrt:Update to 15.05
  • OpenWrt:Support Raspberry Pi 2 Model B
  • LuCI:Sync with for-15.05 branch (ab31abd244979d1ff234a15a4a3cf69ac1b73688)
  • CGMiner:Sync with ckolivas's master (5a456afbfa028162060afd66636b7cb266b35a53)
  • CGMiner:Add more options for smartspeed (Only support MM version >= 601512-xxxxxxxx)


  • CGMiner:Fix divide by zero in Avalon4 driver
  • CGMiner:Add stratum difficulty in pool api
  • CGMiner:Update option for Avalon6
  • CGMiner:Update Vol api display in Avalon4 driver for Avalon6
  • CGMiner:Update fan adjust for Avalon6
  • CGMiner:Update target temp settting for Avalon6
  • LuCI:Update display information for Avalon6
  • LuCI:Update device name for Avalon6
  • LuCI:Update CGMiner configuration for Avalon6
  • LuCI:Update CGMiner setting for Avalon theme


  • Fix nonce counter for multiple miners
  • Display ASIC counts as TA in CGMiner status
  • Update maximum difficulty for Avalon4 and Avalon6
  • Update temperature check for Avalon6
  • Add GHSmm for hash rate comparison
  • Display PLL information for Avalon6
  • Turn on nonce check as default for Avalon6
  • Correct on voltage decode
  • Enable adjust frequency automatically as default for Avalon6
  • Decode voltage and temperature decode for Avalon6
  • Support err code for Avalon6


  • First version of Avalon6 firmware


  • NOTICE: Only for testing
  • Fix duplicate address
  • Update GHS counter to fix the gap between miner and mm
  • Add a new smart speed option

MM Firmware


  • Version 601512-57532250
  • Fix:Don't touch fan by miner when mm is too hot
  • Fix:Update idle process with toohot detect, stratum detect, and invalid mcu protect
  • Fix:Fix coretest failed cause by incorrect pll setting
  • Update:Update API_TIMEOUT_CONST
  • Add:Support adjust freq by CGMiner when mm is working


  • Version 601511-f4f59c70
  • Update Core test check rules
  • Update Input voltage check rules (Input voltage should not >= 12.8V)
  • Fix result when run test scripts


  • Version 601511-e3d244c0
  • Add voltage range detect
  • Check maximum rpm when detect fan polar
  • Check temp for bad ntc resistor
  • Check voltage when MM is starting
  • Monitor powergood when power on
  • Update temperature check
  • Update nonce process
  • Update frequency table
  • Fix conflict address
  • Enable 25MHz clock for debug purpose
  • Disable pll when if miner is invalid when process FREQ_WORK


  • Version 601510-afa837a0
  • Update IIC and UART communication
  • Support core test by AVA4_P_TEST
  • Update ASIC_FREQMIN to 100MHz
  • Detect ASIC counts by LOOPBACK
  • Fix upgrade failed caused by i2c FIFO overflow
  • Update timer function
  • Use GPIO led as address indicator
  • Always disable the invalid miner when PG or LOOPBACK failed
  • Add PLL status in P_STATUS_M
  • Add err code
  • Support ADC capture
  • Keep free run if MCU can't be detected
  • Update led status
  • Rewrite boot loader with c code


  • Version 601509-a2613610
  • First MM firmware for Avalon6.0 S
  • Support 2 miners
  • Detect asic counts when start
  • Support target filter


  • NOTICE: Only for testing

MCU Firmware


  • Version 6C1508-afa837a0
  • For adc and temperature capture use MM protocal

AUC2 Firmware


  • AUC version: AUC-20151208
  • First release


  • NOTICE: Only for testing

Software Development

Controller firmware

Daily building

CGMiner Under Ubuntu 14.04

#Inside your home directory, download Cgminer
git clone https://github.com/Canaan-Creative/cgminer
cd cgminer
git checkout origin/avalon4 -b avalon4
./autogen.sh --enable-avalon4
make -j 4
# Run
sudo ./cgminer --avalon4-freq 200 --avalon4-voltage 7125 -o http://stratum.pool:3333 -u  work -p pass 
sudo ./cgminer --avalon4-freq 200 --avalon4-voltage 7125 -o http://stratum.pool:3333 -u  work -p pass --api-allow W:192.168.2,W: --api-listen $@ 2>./log

Frequency Statechart


Daily building

Avalon6 TB2

$ make -C firmware PLATFORM=MM60_TB2

Avalon6.0 S

$ make -C firmware


Daily building

USB Bootloader

Support USB-DFU Mode

Using USB-DFU Protocol

DFU Device Descriptor
Offset Field Size Value Descripton
0 bLength 1 12h Size of this descriptor,in bytes.
1 bDescriptorType 1 01h DEVICE descriptor type.
2 bcdUSB 2 0100h USB specification release number in binary coded decimal.
4 bDeviceClass 1 00h See interface.
5 bDeviceSubClass 1 00h See interface
6 bDeviceProtocol 1 00h See interface.
7 bMaxPacketSize0 1 8,16,32,64 Maximum packet size for endpoint.
8 idVendor 2 ID Vendor ID. Assigned by the USB-IF.
10 idProduct 2 ID Product ID. Assigned by manufacturer.
12 bcdDevice 2 BCD Device release number in binary coded decimal.
14 iManufacturer 1 index index of string descriptor.
15 iProduct 1 index index of string descriptor.
16 iSerialNumber 1 index index of string descriptor.
17 bNumConfigurations 1 01h One configuration only for DFU.

DFU Interface Descriptor
Offset Field Size Value Descripton
0 bLength 1 09h Size of this descriptor,in bytes.
1 bDescriptorType 1 04h INTERFACE descriptor type.
2 bInterfaceNumber 1 Number Number of this interface.
3 bAlternateSetting 1 00h Alternate setting. Must be zero.
4 bNumEndpoints 1 00h Only the control pipe is used.
5 bInterfaceClass 1 FEh Application Specific Class Code.
6 bInterfaceSubClass 1 01h Device Firmware Upgrade Code.
7 bInterfaceProtocol 1 01h Runtime protocol.
8 iInterface 1 index Index of string descriptor for this interface.

DFU Functional Descriptor
Offset Field Size Value Descripton
0 bLength 1 09h Size of this descriptor,in bytes.
1 bDescriptorType 1 21h DFU FUNCTIONAL descriptor type.
2 bmAttributes 1 Bit mask DFU attributes

Bit 7……4: reserved

Bit 3: device will perform a bus detach-attach sequence when it receives a DFU_DETACH request. The host must not issue a USB Reset. (bitWillDetach)

0 = no

1 = yes

Bit 2: device is able to communicate via USB afeter Manifestation phase.(bitManifestationTolerant)

0 = no, must see bus reset

1 = yes

Bit1: upload capable(bitCanUpload)

0 = no

1 = yes

Bit0: download capable(bitCanDnload)

0 = no

1 = yes

3 wDetachTimeOut 2 Number Time,in milliseconds, that the device will wait after receipt of the DFU_DETACH request. if this time elapses without a USB reaset, then the device will terminate the Reconfiguration phase and revert back to normal operation . This repreents the maximum time that the device can wait(depending on its timers, etc.).The host may specify a shorter timeout in the DFU_DETACH request.
5 wTransferSize 2 Number Maximum number of bytes that the device can accept per control-write transaction.
7 bcdDFUVersion 2 BCD Numeric expression identifying the version of the DFU Specification release.

DFU Mode Interface Descriptor
Offset Field Size Value Descripton
0 bLength 1 09h Size of this descriptor,in bytes.
1 bDescriptorType 1 04h INTERFACE descriptor type.
2 bInterfaceNumber 1 Number Number of this interface.
3 bAlternateSetting 1 00h Alternate setting. Must be zero.
4 bNumEndpoints 1 00h Only the control pipe is used.
5 bInterfaceClass 1 FEh Application Specific Class Code.
6 bInterfaceSubClass 1 01h Device Firmware Upgrade Code.
7 bInterfaceProtocol 1 02h DFU mode protocol.
8 iInterface 1 index Index of string descriptor for this interface.

USB-DFU Product's USB Descriptor

DFU Updata Process Diagram

How To Judge The Bootloader Program Is Updating Or Jump To Application Program

I used a updata flag which is a four bytes word and is writed at fixd flash address (0x8000 - 4)

The flag's value is 0xAABBCCDD

When the bootloader program run, first it judge the updata flag, if the updata falg is not equal 0xAABBCCDD,
it will jump to application program. otherwise it will run to updata program.

How To Jump To Application Program

When we don't want to updata application program,
the bootloader program should run to application program.
In order to achieve this goal, we can add under code in your bootloader program.

asm volatile("ldr r0, =0x4000"); //"the 0x4000 is my application program's MSP point, you must change it adapt to your"
asm volatile("ldr r0, [r0]");
asm volatile("mov sp, r0");

asm volatile("ldr r0, =0x4004"); //"the 0x4004 is my application program reset-function entry address, you must change it adapt to your"
asm volatile("ldr r0, [r0]");
asm volatile("mov pc, r0");

Modify dfu-util For Ubuntu 14.04

  1. USB-DFU Product's USB Descriptor
  2. DFU Updata Process Diagram
  3. How To Judge The Bootloader Program Is Updating Or Jump To Application Program
  4. How To Jump To Application Program
  5. Modify dfu-util For Ubuntu 14.04
  6. Links



  1. Support Raspberry Pi 2B
  2. Update with the master branch
  3. Support Avalon6 in LuCI (Advanced version)
  4. Keep more coding on LuCI (Avalon theme)


  1. Add auto speed option
  2. Merge the Avalon6 code to CK's master


Known Issues

  1. MM can be upgrade by mismatch firmware.
  2. local hashrate (GHS av) cann't match with the pool's hashrate
  3. Use 5 or more modules in one AUC will cause MM idle periodically.
  4. Duplicate MM address


1. How to deal with the red blinking machine?

2. How to boot the machine or hashboard unit safely?