Prime API

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Prime API is based on JSON, delivered through HTTPS and is mostly REST-ful.

API URIs always start with a marker "/v1" to make the version explicit.

All timestamps are returned in ISO 8601 format:


Public API

Public API calls are available without authentication.

Private API

Private API calls require authentication via:

  • Your personal API key and optionally
  • IP address

Private API is off by default. You need to enable it in your profile.

You are expected to pass the API key as a HTTP header:

Authorization: PrimeExchange 84ffsOscok1Asbbqj28gcscv86M3nj4bRIamFaKe

...where the long string is of course your API key.

It is also possible to pass the API key as a request param:


...although this is not recommended as sensitive data should not be passed in the URI.

Get my deposit address

GET /v1/prv/deposit_address/:currency_name.json


curl -v --request GET http://localhost:3000/v1/prv/deposit_address/BTC.json --header "Authorization: PrimeExchange 84ffsOscok1Asbbqj28gcscv86M3nj4bRIamFaKe"



Error response:

 {"errors":{"currency_name":"is invalid"}}

Get balances and user data

GET /v1/prv/user.json


curl -i --request GET http://localhost:3000/v1/prv/user.json --header "Authorization: PrimeExchange 84ffsOscok1Asbbqj28gcscv86M3nj4bRIamFaKe"


  "user": {
    "username": "adalovelace",
    "email": "",
    "balances": [
        "available": "0.199",
        "total": "0.199",
        "currency_name": "BTC"
        "available": "0.0",
        "total": "0.0",
        "currency_name": "PLN"
        "available": "7.11",
        "total": "7.11",
        "currency_name": "LTC"
  • available - the amount you can manage, i.e. to place a new offer
  • total - the amount including funds reserved for offers, withdrawals, etc.
