Hi, my name is Erik Moeller. I've been in the P2P community for some time. In the early 2000s, I ran a blog called infoAnarchy, which became pretty popular for some time; these days it's a dormant wiki. Professionally I help run Wikipedia, which is a lot of fun, but I'm here only in a personal capacity.
I have significant reservations about Bitcoin's architecture and economics (nothing you haven't heard before), but it seems to be the best cryptocurrency around for now, so I'm definitely following along with great interest. :-) The 21st century promises to be the beginning of an age of abundance, and the reinvention of money is definitely a huge part of that, along with ending our addiction to imaginary property (copyright and patents).
Since I know wikis pretty well, I'll be poking at pages here and there and hope to leave the place better than I found it.