Pay to script hash

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Revision as of 02:19, 31 August 2012 by Dree12 (talk | contribs) (test address)
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342ftSRCvFHfCeFFBuz4xwbeqnDw6BGUey, firstbits 3, is a version-5 Bitcoin address. It is notable for being the first P2SH-compatible address, as well as the first address using a non-1 prefix, with a prefix of 3. As the address has held a maximum of 0.004 BTC, and currently holds no bitcoins, the address is evidently a test address.


The address has only received funds from a newly-generated mining address (1GLPEswBeEs31aCn6n5y5rDv1ckFp7L83U), which received coins in block 160720. As the generated transaction was distributed, a feature only seen on P2Pool and Eligius, an operator of Eligius likely operated the address.