
From Bitcoin Wiki
Revision as of 17:38, 20 July 2011 by The founder (talk | contribs)
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Flexcoin bills itself as the first bitcoin bank. Run by Yooter InterActive Marketing in Pottsville, PA it allows for central a central location for all bitcoin only transactions. Flexcoin diffrencates inself from EWallet(s) by providing interest to the account holders. Though it is an active miner it also generates revenue by charging small transaction fees on outgoing bitcoins but no fees are charge from flexcoin to flexcoin accounts. These fees and mining proceeds are for the most part forwarded back to the account holders via an interest payment.

The bitcoin bank has been running on an invite only process since June 2011 and current has several hundred users.

It is the first bitcoin eWallet based in the United States and is the first bitcoin bank ever.