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Poclbm (PyOpenCL bitcoin miner) is a python GPU bitcoin miner that uses the OpenCL framework to quickly perform the hashing computations. Works with AMD - 4xxx and up, Nvidia - 8xxx and up, video cards.


Latest miner. (MD5 SUM: c726f05af3252ac2236201d10448953f)


Flags to Use

ATI/AMD Radeon HD 5xxx cards (for example, HD 5770): use '-v -w128'

If you find the desktop laggy while mining, use '-f60'. This may decrease performance slightly.

Please update this section if you find better settings, or good settings for a card not listed here.


Introductory post FAQ.



Guides and Installation


How to get started using your GPU to mine for Bitcoins on Windows


Easy Ubuntu python OpenCL mining setup


An poclbm ebuild can be found here


This works on 11.4, it might work on other versions (11.3 is more than likely to work) just replace the "11.4" in the repo URLs with your version number. This also assumes that you are already familiar with running getting the BitCoin client running (to run the GUI version on OpenSUSE you will need libpng12-0 installed).

Add the Python devel repo:

# zypper ar -r http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/devel:/languages:/python/openSUSE_11.4/devel:languages:python.repo

and this user repo, which provides PyOpenCL (take a moment to appreciate this because if "scorot" didn't package it this would be a lot harder):

# zypper ar -r http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/scorot/openSUSE_11.4/home:scorot.repo

Refresh your repos:

# zypper ref

You will asked to accept the repo keys, respond with 'a' each time.

Install PyOpenCL:

# zypper in python-pyopencl

Get the latest version of poclbm with git (`zypper in git` if you don't have git installed):

$ git clone git://github.com/m0mchil/poclbm.git

This will create a poclbm folder in your current directory. Change to it:

$ cd poclbm

And run it:

$ python poclbm.py --user=user --pass=pass --device=0 [add whatever other flags you use]


public domain[1]

See Also

External Links


  1. [1]License file on github