List of Bitcoin non-profits around the world

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Revision as of 06:39, 7 September 2013 by Ripper234 (talk | contribs)
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This page will list all the known Bitcoin and crypto-currency non-profits around the world. See also on bitcointalk. The criterias for being on this list are:

  1. A focus on Bitcoin or crypto-currency (merely accepting Bitcoin donations is not enough)
  2. Being a non-profit
  3. The organization needs to be either a registered non-profit or in the process of active registration.

FYI, members are sorted alphabetically by their last name.

Bitcoin Foundation and other chapters or similar organizations

The Bitcoin Foundation

The Israeli Bitcoin Foundation

Also known as איגוד הביטקוין הישראלי.

The IBF is still in the process of setting up, and deciding on its exact ties with The Bitcoin Foundation.



Bitcoin100 is a charity organization that exists specifically to convince new charities to start accepting bitcoin donations.

The Mastercoin Foundation

The Mastercoin Foundation is currently being created to develop and promote the Mastercoin protocol. Its list of board members is not final, but will include at least: