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The Irish bitcoin scene is split into those in the Republic of Ireland, which currently has no rules in place for bitcoin, and Northern Ireland, which as part of the UK does.

Bitcoin ATMs

There has been some controversy in relation to the installation of Bitcoin ATM's in Ireland, which has been covered in the broadsheet media. A pub in Dublin, formerly known as the Baggot Inn accepted bitcoin through a bitpay system for food and drink and shortly after hosted a bitcoin ATM [1] in March 2014. However, the pub changed ownership, and the ATM was removed in October 2014 [2]

Separately in March 2014, GSM Solution's owned Bitvendo was due to place a Bitcoin ATM in a venue in Dublin's famous Temple Bar, but was refused an Irish bank account [3] which received considerable media coverage in print and radio. This was moved to the GSM Solutions shop in Abbey Street, and retired soon after from active service, although has been used in demonstrations. It was replaced by a Skyhook ATM which is currently in place.

In February 2015, a second Skyhook ATM was installed by a separate owner in Busyfeet & Coco Cafe in South William Street [4] [5], in a bitcoin accepting café and bar that also uses bitpay.

Bitcoin Events in Ireland

The Dublin Meetup Group was formed in May 2013, and has regularly put on talks, or social events[6].

In July 2014, Bitcoin Finance (BitFin) 2014 [7] was held in Dublin's Royal Dublin Society, which attracted companies including Armory Technologies and others, and an address by Director of Markets Supervision Gareth Murphy [8]

Gavin Andresen also addressed the Dublin Bitcoin Meetup Group in November 2014.[9] ()

International Bitcoin companies in Ireland

Circle Internet Financial incorporated in Dublin in August 2013. [10]. They have attended or sponsored several of the Dublin Bitcoin Meetup group events.


  1. "This Dublin pub now accepts Bitcoin as payment for a pint".
  2. "Irish Pub The Baggot Inn pulls the plug on Bitcoin ATM". Irish Bitcoin Foundation.
  3. "Bitcoin ATM Company Refused Account by Bank of Ireland". CoinDesk.
  4. "Like Buses, two Irish bitcoin stories come at once".
  5. "Bitcoin ATM at Busyfeet & Coco Cafe becomes Dublin’s second". The Irish Times.
  6. "Dublin Meetup Group". Dublin Bitcoin Meetup Group.
  7. "Bitcoin Meets Global Finance and Commerce at Bitfin 2014, Dublin". Market Wired.
  8. "Address by Director of Markets Supervision Gareth Murphy at the BitFin 2014: Digital Money and the Future of Finance Conference".
  9. "Gavin Andresen Visit To Dublin". Dublin Bitcoin Meetup Group.
  10. "Circle Internet Financial Ltd".