Talk:Bitcoin IRC Channel Guidelines

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Revision as of 10:50, 9 May 2014 by Kinlo (talk | contribs)
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I'd like to see this as more of a bulleted table. For example "Don't do this", "Do this", etc. Perhaps a second column has the longer explanation, but the first column would essentially be TL;DR Imsaguy (talk) 03:53, 9 May 2014 (UTC)

I'd prefer a document that explains the filosofy instead of a list of strict rules. If you are going to define every rule, you will always end up on the losing side of a discussion with some person that just tries to find every hole in your rules, better to write philosophy and interprete it as we go imho :) Also tl;dr is just an excuse. Everybody is supposed to know the law, while in fact nobody knows the law... (talk) 12:50, 9 May 2014 (CEST)