
From Bitcoin Wiki
Revision as of 23:10, 16 December 2012 by Ids (talk | contribs) (advertised Meni Rosenfeld's proposal, now that I see how similar our ideas are!)
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(real name: Iain Stewart)

I worked as a computing lab assistant at Imperial College, London, U.K. from 1991-2011.

I am especially interested in helping to improve Bitcoin's usability from a non-tech-savvy user's perspective. By this I don't just mean GUI improvements and the like - plenty of people far more talented than me are working on that - but changes to the network protocol itself that will help with responsiveness from a merchant's or customer's point of view, while not compromising cryptographic security, decentralization, or the strength of the blockchain.

I have a provisional proposal, which I call adaptive difficulty, which I believe will help with this. Comments and feedback welcome. [EDIT 2012-11-22: Meni Rosenfeld's adaptive difficulty proposal effectively contains and subsumes mine. Please give comments and feedback there.]

You might also be interested in a proof-of-stake-based system which I at least provisionally believe can be made extraordinarily robust! I call it "proof of blockchain fair sharing". (That page is currently just a teaser description, sketching the idea and why it doesn't contradict an "obvious" theorem on >50% attacks; followed by a forum post where I speculate on possible broader approaches to the >50% attack problem.)

Last but, I hope, not least: I offer proof of burn as an alternative to both proof of work and proof of stake (though perhaps closer in spirit to the latter), with many interesting properties and economic consequences, the exploration of which has barely begun.

I can be contacted at iain dot david dot stewart at gmail dot com.