
From Bitcoin Wiki
Revision as of 00:28, 29 January 2011 by Kiba (talk | contribs) (I actually don't do graphic design)
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Contributors Award participant: <a href='bitcoin:?addr=14ySrd81yHFEXCT4xsgdEuE5xgLxHik5HN' id='lnk014ySrd81yHFEXCT4xsgdEuE5xgLxHik5HN'>14ySrd81yHFEXCT4xsgdEuE5xgLxHik5HN</a>


Here is what I can do:
1. Programming in Ruby, and Javascript. I spent much of my time in those two languages. Other languages I could handle: Python, java. Other language, I barely touch: C. I am perfectly suitable for creating small scripts, little web projects, and anything that's not too aglorithmtic or required advanced mathematics.
2. Writing. I recently got paid for an article. Might be worth hiring.
3. Art. So-so.

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