Karsha Mobile Payment Interface

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Revision as of 10:57, 28 June 2011 by Sgornick (talk | contribs) (Add link for Liberty Reserve article.)
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Karsha Mobile Payment Interface is a lightweight interface optimized for mobile phone's small screens and limited capabilities to access e-currency accounts like Bitcoin and Liberty Reserve. This interface is currently accessible via http://m.karsha.biz or https://karsha.biz/m addresses.

Openning a Karsha Bitcoin account

Karsha Bitcoin accounts are similar to other normal Bitcoin accounts with these differences:

  • The user doesn't need to install any software on his/her computer or mobile phone.
  • There is no need to stay connected to network to be noticed by received payments.
  • Any user has the ability to use Karsha Shopping Cart Interface as an easy way to accept Bitcoin payments.
  • There is a constant fee of BTC 0.01 to sending payments or paying through the shopping cart interface which will be deducted from the sender account.

To open a new Karsha Bitcoin account, you must visit http://m.karsha.biz or https://karsha.biz/m via your mobile phone's browser and click on the "Sign Up" button.

See Also

External links