Stratum v2

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Stratum v2

Before Stratum V2, transaction sets were selected by pools. With this SV2 configuration they’re selected by individual miners, making the network more censorship-resistant. Miners run SV2 firmware, connecting to the SV2 proxy server. Miners can pick their transactions locally and declare them to an SV2 pool. The SRI stack is made by the open-source bitcoin community. It allows you to run a few different configurations. The easiest way to test these configurations is to use the SRI role SRI role implementations.

Most Commonly Used Configurations

Below are the most commonly used configurations you can run to get started.


  • Rust installed on your machine. If it's not:
  curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
  • Locally clone the Stratum repository:
  git clone

Config C: SV1 Firmware > Translation Proxy > SV2 Pool

This configuration allows mining devices running SV1 firmware to connect to an SV2 Pool through a Translation Proxy (tProxy). The proxy is designed to sit in between a SV1 downstream role (most typically Mining Device(s) running SV1 firmware) and a SV2 upstream role (most typically a SV2 Pool Server).

1. Start SV2 Pool

   cd stratum/roles/v2/pool/
  The pool-config-example.toml is a configuration example which can be copy/paste into /conf directory by the party that is running the SV2 Pool (most typically the pool service provider) to address the most preferred customization. To better understand and learn about information present in the configuration file, check this README.
   cp pool-config-example.toml ./conf/pool-config.toml
   cd conf/
  To run this configuration, for simplicity, you can point the SV2 Pool to our hosted Template Provider (testnet or regtest), commenting/uncommenting the corresponding lines in your pool-config.toml. For example, if you want to use our hosted testnet TP, your config file should be like this:
   # SRI Pool config
authority_public_key = "2di19GHYQnAZJmEpoUeP7C3Eg9TCcksHr23rZCC83dvUiZgiDL"
authority_secret_key = "2Z1FZug7mZNyM63ggkm37r4oKQ29khLjAvEx43rGkFN47RcJ2t"
cert_validity_sec = 3600
test_only_listen_adress_plain =  ""
listen_address = ""
# list of compressed or uncompressed pubkeys for coinbase payout (only supports 1 item in the array at this point)
coinbase_outputs = [

# Template Provider config
# local TP (this is pointing to localhost so you must run a TP locally for this configuration to work)
# tp_address = ""
# hosted testnet TP 
tp_address = ""
# hosted regnet TP 
# tp_address = ""
# hosted testnet TP 
# tp_address = ""
# hosted regnet TP 
# tp_address = ""

# SRI Pool JN config
listen_jn_address = ""

Warning: If you want to mine spendable bitcoin on regtest, you can do it with bitcoin-cli:

  • Get a legacy Bitcoin address:
  bitcoin-cli -regtest -rpcwallet="<PUT YOUR WALLET NAME HERE>" getnewaddress "test" "legacy"
  • Retrieve its corresponding public key:
  bitcoin-cli -regtest getaddressinfo <PUT THE ADDRESS GENERATED HERE>
  • Copy the pubkey showed in the output;
  • Paste it in the coinbase_outputs of pool-config.toml, after deleting the one which is already present;
  • Mine a block;
  • Generate 100 blocks:
  bitcoin-cli -regtest generatetoaddress 100 bcrt1qc5xss0cma0zldxfzzdpjxsayut7yy86e2lr6km

Now the mined bitcoin are spendable!

Once your preferred config is set, you can run the SV2 Pool:

cargo run -p pool_sv2

If the pool properly starts you should see the following log lines:

2023-03-28T10:34:24.205288Z INFO pool_sv2: Pool INITIALIZING with config: "pool-config.toml" 2023-03-28T10:34:24.279421Z INFO pool_sv2::lib::template_receiver: Connected to template distribution server at 2023-03-28T10:34:24.437363Z INFO pool_sv2::lib::template_receiver::setup_connection: Setup template provider connection success! 2023-03-28T10:34:24.437865Z INFO pool_sv2::lib::mining_pool: PUB KEY: [TxOut { value: 5000000000, script_pubkey: Script(OP_PUSHBYTES_65 04466d7fcae563e5cb09a0d1870bb580344804617879a14949cf22285f1bae3f276728176c3c6431f8eeda4538dc37c865e2784f3a9e77d044f33e407797e1278a OP_CHECKSIG) }] 2023-03-28T10:34:24.438053Z INFO pool_sv2::lib::mining_pool: Starting up pool listener 2023-03-28T10:34:24.438115Z INFO pool_sv2::lib::job_negotiator: JN INITIALIZED 2023-03-28T10:34:24.438623Z INFO pool_sv2::lib::mining_pool: Listening for encrypted connection on:

Warning: If you want to create more custom configs, you can save them in the same conf/ directory. To run the specific custom config, you can do it by running:

cargo run -p pool_sv2 -- -c [your-custom-config.toml]

2. Start Translator (tProxy)

Once the SV2 pool is running, let's run the tProxy that will facilitate communication between the pool and a SV1 miner.

In a new terminal:

cd stratum/roles/translator/

The proxy-config-example.toml is a configuration example which can be copy/paste into /conf directory by the party that is running the Translator Proxy (most typically the mining farm/miner hobbyist) to address the most preferred customization. To better understand and learn about information present in the configuration file, check this README.

cp proxy-config-example.toml ./conf/proxy-config.toml
cd conf/

Within the proxy-config.toml you will be able to specify which pool should a translation proxy connect to. For this specific configuration, the tProxy will connect to a locally hosted pool (which you deployed in the first step). Feel free to switch the pools while testing things out.

Configuration File Example

# Braiins Pool Upstream Connection
# upstream_authority_pubkey = "u95GEReVMjK6k5YqiSFNqqTnKU4ypU2Wm8awa6tmbmDmk1bWt"
# upstream_address = ""
# upstream_port = 3336

# Local SRI Pool Upstream Connection
upstream_address = ""
upstream_port = 34254
upstream_authority_pubkey = "2di19GHYQnAZJmEpoUeP7C3Eg9TCcksHr23rZCC83dvUiZgiDL"

# Local Mining Device Downstream Connection
downstream_address = ""
downstream_port = 34255

# Version support
max_supported_version = 2
min_supported_version = 2

# Minimum extranonce2 size for downstream
# Max value: 16 (leaves 0 bytes for search space splitting of downstreams)
# Max value for CGminer: 8
# Min value: 2
min_extranonce2_size = 8
coinbase_reward_sat = 5_000_000_000

# JN config (optional), if set (uncommented) the tProxy starts on JN mode
# [jn_config]
# local pool JN (local pool must be run before tProxy to work)
jn_address = ""
# local TP (this is pointing to localhost so you must run a TP locally for this configuration to work)
tp_address = ""
# hosted testnet TP 
# tp_address = ""
# hosted regnet TP 
# tp_address = ""

# Difficulty params
# hashes/s of the weakest miner that will be connecting
# minimum number of shares needed before a mining.set_difficulty is sent for updating targets
# target number of shares per minute the miner should be sending
shares_per_minute = 6.0

# interval in seconds to elapse before updating channel hashrate with the pool
channel_diff_update_interval = 60
# estimated accumulated hashrate of all downstream miners
channel_nominal_hashrate = 5_000_000.0

Once your preferred config is set, you can run the tProxy:

cargo run -p translator_sv2

If the translator starts properly, you should see the following log lines:

2023-03-28T10:57:06.624837Z INFO translator_sv2::upstream_sv2::upstream: PROXY SERVER - ACCEPTING FROM UPSTREAM: 2023-03-28T10:57:06.650990Z INFO translator_sv2::upstream_sv2::upstream: Up: Sending: SetupConnection { protocol: MiningProtocol, min_version: 2, max_version: 2, flags: 4, endpoint_host: Owned([48, 46, 48, 46, 48, 46, 48]), endpoint_port: 50, vendor: Owned([]), hardware_version: Owned([]), firmware: Owned([]), device_id: Owned([]) } 2023-03-28T10:57:06.663001Z INFO translator_sv2::upstream_sv2::upstream: Up: Receiving: Sv2Frame { header: Header { extension_type: 0, msg_type: 1, msg_length: U24(6) }, payload: None, serialized: Some(Slice { offset: 0x7f7b0c95b000, len: 12, index: 1, shared_state: SharedState(128), owned: None }) } 2023-03-28T10:57:06.663187Z INFO translator_sv2::upstream_sv2::upstream: Up: Sending: OpenExtendedMiningChannel(OpenExtendedMiningChannel { request_id: 0, user_identity: Owned([65, 66, 67]), nominal_hash_rate: 5000000.0, max_target: Owned([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255]), min_extranonce_size: 8 }) 2023-03-28T10:57:06.663286Z INFO translator_sv2: Connected to Upstream! 2023-03-28T10:57:06.665887Z INFO translator_sv2::upstream_sv2::upstream: Up: Successfully Opened Extended Mining Channel 2023-03-28T10:57:06.666147Z INFO translator_sv2::upstream_sv2::upstream: Is future job: true

2023-03-28T10:57:06.666208Z INFO translator_sv2::upstream_sv2::upstream: Up: New Extended Mining Job 2023-03-28T10:57:06.666353Z INFO translator_sv2::upstream_sv2::upstream: Up: Set New Prev Hash

Warning: If you want to create more custom configs, you can save them in the same conf/ directory. To run the specific custom config, you can do it by running:

cargo run -p translator_sv2 -- -c [your-custom-config.toml]

3. Start SV1 Miner

After starting a pool, and a translation proxy, let’s start a SV1 miner.

Physical ASIC miner

If you have a physical miner, setup is very easy since you just have to point your ASIC miner to the local tProxy which you deployed in the last step of this guide.

CPU Miner

If you don't have a physical miner, you can do tests with CPUMiner.

  • Setup the correct CPUMiner for your OS:
 * You can download the binary directly from here;
 * Or compile it from here.
cd Downloads/
./minerd -a sha256d -o stratum+tcp://localhost:34255 -q -D -P

This will connect to the translator proxy and speak sv1. If this is successful you should see the following output:

  • Connected to localhost ( port 34255 (#0)
  • Connection #0 to host localhost left intact

[2023-03-28 13:08:51] > {"id": 1, "method": "mining.subscribe", "params": ["cpuminer/2.5.1"]} [2023-03-28 13:08:51] < {"id":1,"error":null,"result":[[["mining.set_difficulty","ae6812eb4cd7735a302a8a9dd95cf71f"],["mining.notify","ae6812eb4cd7735a302a8a9dd95cf71f"]],"000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000001",2]} [2023-03-28 13:08:51] Stratum session id: ae6812eb4cd7735a302a8a9dd95cf71f [2023-03-28 13:08:51] > {"id": 2, "method": "mining.authorize", "params": ["", ""]} [2023-03-28 13:08:51] < {"id":2,"error":null,"result":true} [2023-03-28 13:08:52] < {"method":"mining.set_difficulty","params":[0.03571428571428571]} [2023-03-28 13:08:52] Stratum difficulty set to 0.0357143 [2023-03-28 13:08:52] < {"method":"mining.notify","params":["1","9973803c689d114202d8fa6e7a812464ec5968614898bef00000000800000000","02000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ffffffff25036e052500","ffffffff02dbd4250000000000434104466d7fcae563e5cb09a0d1870bb580344804617879a14949cf22285f1bae3f276728176c3c6431f8eeda4538dc37c865e2784f3a9e77d044f33e407797e1278aac0000000000000000266a24aa21a9edf91da350df08181fe10fa729adb64397b97fcf1680d030db9ef9ad124423caa800000000",["2bfe0456baee2eff5f1fdcbcab78aab12c7313b012ac27363aa9798c274bd593","2d82a85bd4f3a555db28b11cfae0665c2f0217601756ea8d35936679425ec02a","cae46b308f58e509a0e55d13f232b8077cf20561096d843be0ac2aaa56d3a3b3","c9260f546d915dba514bb933ab06bb1337c544835c61c117fb20c6abb9ef6e45","fbae0b78208cb543bf8f25a5f616271e1671e44c0191b2d8b3c3bc6313f78b6a","d30f4074e3588d2f07c0d1dedcee893954cbbc6b2a6714b0ce915a58ca88fc27","e72cac419d4edfcd794343ac08805bf49db6f26970e49aab7351c53b8ae51e24","3a888db192e72c75ba383b9b73fe85cb1f423f8d935289e769a5229d73d545c1","761b4af369aaadd5180df680632a535060c350900aa7fedb1b5d4eb65a5da929","ae190c0907f7638fcbb9e46e0d9c2a85b916b9712616ffdea7179704ccd682b2","b702b7b8c1956699fe58d9570bdb75d7c0c87d78889d92abd7089ec2c57384c9","d0a5fb4f50c214775d9970972164105c3acbbf08a22576e6e91ccf70196ec2c1"],"20000000","1929ee8d","6422ca0e",true]} [2023-03-28 13:08:52] DEBUG: job_id='1' extranonce2=0000 ntime=6422ca0e [2023-03-28 13:08:52] Stratum requested work restart [2023-03-28 13:08:54] DEBUG: hash <= target Hash: 000000136077f7444332e7885526a371afdc00f17a08c9aa077fb845d6074536 Target: 0000001bffe40000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 [2023-03-28 13:08:54] > {"method": "mining.submit", "params": ["", "1", "0000", "6422ca0e", "bd5c6540"], "id":4} [2023-03-28 13:08:54] < {"id":4,"error":null,"result":true} [2023-03-28 13:08:54] accepted: 1/1 (100.00%), 33963 khash/s (yay!!!)

Eventually, the Translation Proxy log output will show successful share, which means you've run the configuration successfully!

2023-03-28T11:08:51.052292Z INFO translator_sv2::downstream_sv1::downstream: PROXY SERVER - ACCEPTING FROM DOWNSTREAM: 2023-03-28T11:08:51.052704Z INFO translator_sv2::downstream_sv1::downstream: Down: Subscribing 2023-03-28T11:08:51.054303Z INFO translator_sv2::downstream_sv1::downstream: Down: Authorizing 2023-03-28T11:08:54.552777Z INFO roles_logic_sv2::utils: reduce_path: coinbase_id: [55, 0, 43, 216, 197, 11, 114, 249, 81, 1, 236, 139, 193, 183, 192, 161, 226, 175, 179, 206, 208, 147, 206, 20, 71, 31, 50, 216, 79, 177, 68, 0] 2023-03-28T11:08:54.553161Z INFO translator_sv2::proxy::bridge: SHARE MEETS DOWNSTREAM TARGET

Config D: SV1 firmware > Translation Proxy JD (Job Declarator) > SV2 Pool

This configuration allows mining devices running SV1 firmware to connect to an SV2 Pool through a Translation Proxy (tProxy). In this case, the tProxy is designed also to implement the Job Declarator (JD) sub-protocol.

1. Install, setup and run local regtest Template Provider Warning: To setup a local Template Provider you need to run it from a linux machine.

git clone
git checkout last-tested-tp
cd bitcoin/
./ && ./configure --enable-template-provider
make check
rm -r ~/.bitcoin/regtest

Once installed, in bitcoin/ directory:

./src/bitcoind -regtest
cd bitcoin/
./src/bitcoin-cli -regtest generatetoaddress 16 bcrt1qttuwhmpa7a0ls5kr3ye6pjc24ng685jvdrksxx

2. Start SV2 Pool

cd stratum/roles/v2/pool/

The pool-config-example.toml is a configuration example which can be copy/paste into /conf directory by the party that is running the SV2 Pool (most typically the pool service provider) to address the most preferred customization. To better understand and learn about information present in the configuration file, check this README.

cp pool-config-example.toml ./conf/pool-config.toml
cd conf/

The Pool role in this configuration should be configured to point to the local Template Provider which you deployed in the first step of this guide. In the pool-config.toml file you should see the tp_address = "" line uncommented. The correct config file to exploit the local TP should be like this:

Pool Configuration File Example

# SRI Pool config
authority_public_key = "2di19GHYQnAZJmEpoUeP7C3Eg9TCcksHr23rZCC83dvUiZgiDL"
authority_secret_key = "2Z1FZug7mZNyM63ggkm37r4oKQ29khLjAvEx43rGkFN47RcJ2t"
cert_validity_sec = 3600
test_only_listen_adress_plain =  ""
listen_address = ""
# list of compressed or uncompressed pubkeys for coinbase payout (only supports 1 item in the array at this point)
coinbase_outputs = [

# Template Provider config
# local TP (this is pointing to localhost so you must run a TP locally for this configuration to work)
tp_address = ""
# hosted testnet TP 
# tp_address = ""
# hosted regnet TP 
# tp_address = ""
# hosted testnet TP 
# tp_address = ""
# hosted regnet TP 
# tp_address = ""

# SRI Pool JN config
listen_jn_address = ""

Warning: If you want to mine spendable bitcoin on regtest, you can do it with bitcoin-cli:

Get a legacy Bitcoin address:

bitcoin-cli -regtest -rpcwallet="<PUT YOUR WALLET NAME HERE>" getnewaddress "test" "legacy"

Retrieve its corresponding public key:

bitcoin-cli -regtest getaddressinfo <PUT THE ADDRESS GENERATED HERE>

Copy the pubkey showed in the output; Paste it in the coinbase_outputs of pool-config.toml, after deleting the one which is already present; Mine a block; Generate 100 blocks:

bitcoin-cli -regtest generatetoaddress 100 bcrt1qc5xss0cma0zldxfzzdpjxsayut7yy86e2lr6km

Now the mined bitcoin are spendable!

Once your preferred config is set, you can run the SV2 Pool:

cargo run -p pool_sv2

If the pool properly starts you should see the following log lines:

2023-03-28T11:59:40.951579Z INFO pool_sv2: Pool INITIALIZING with config: "pool-config.toml" 2023-03-28T11:59:40.952304Z INFO pool_sv2::lib::template_receiver: Connected to template distribution server at 2023-03-28T11:59:41.024149Z INFO pool_sv2::lib::template_receiver::setup_connection: Setup template provider connection success! 2023-03-28T11:59:41.024398Z INFO pool_sv2::lib::mining_pool: PUB KEY: [TxOut { value: 5000000000, script_pubkey: Script(OP_PUSHBYTES_65 04466d7fcae563e5cb09a0d1870bb580344804617879a14949cf22285f1bae3f276728176c3c6431f8eeda4538dc37c865e2784f3a9e77d044f33e407797e1278a OP_CHECKSIG) }] 2023-03-28T11:59:41.025534Z INFO pool_sv2::lib::mining_pool: Starting up pool listener 2023-03-28T11:59:41.026100Z INFO pool_sv2::lib::job_negotiator: JN INITIALIZED 2023-03-28T11:59:41.026343Z INFO pool_sv2::lib::mining_pool: Listening for encrypted connection on:

Warning: If you want to create more custom configs, you can save them in the same conf/ directory.

cargo run -p pool_sv2 -- -c [your-custom-config.toml]

3. Start Translator (tProxy) JD

After the SV2 pool is running, the tProxy facilitates communication between the pool and an SV1 miner. This setup involves the tProxy acting as a Job Declarator (JD).

cd stratum/roles/translator/
cp proxy-config-example.toml ./conf/proxy-config.toml
cd conf/

The proxy-config-example.toml serves as a configuration example. It can be copied and pasted into the /conf directory.

Warning: Ensure the [jn_config] line in proxy-config.toml is uncommented to enable the JN sub-protocol.

Proxy Configuration File Example

# Braiins Pool Upstream Connection
# upstream_authority_pubkey = "u95GEReVMjK6k5YqiSFNqqTnKU4ypU2Wm8awa6tmbmDmk1bWt"
# upstream_address = ""
# upstream_port = 3336

# Local SRI Pool Upstream Connection
upstream_address = ""
upstream_port = 34254
upstream_authority_pubkey = "2di19GHYQnAZJmEpoUeP7C3Eg9TCcksHr23rZCC83dvUiZgiDL"

# Local Mining Device Downstream Connection
downstream_address = ""
downstream_port = 34255

# Version support
max_supported_version = 2
min_supported_version = 2

# Minimum extranonce2 size for downstream
# Max value: 16 (leaves 0 bytes for search space splitting of downstreams)
# Max value for CGminer: 8
# Min value: 2
min_extranonce2_size = 8
coinbase_reward_sat = 5_000_000_000

# JN config (optional), if set (uncommented) the tProxy starts on JN mode
# local pool JN (local pool must be run before tProxy to work)
jn_address = ""
# local TP (this is pointing to localhost so you must run a TP locally for this configuration to work)
tp_address = ""
# hosted testnet TP 
# tp_address = ""
# hosted regnet TP 
# tp_address = ""

# Difficulty params
# hashes/s of the weakest miner that will be connecting
# minimum number of shares needed before a mining.set_difficulty is sent for updating targets
# target number of shares per minute the miner should be sending
shares_per_minute = 6.0

# interval in seconds to elapse before updating channel hashrate with the pool
channel_diff_update_interval = 60
# estimated accumulated hashrate of all downstream miners
channel_nominal_hashrate = 5_000_000.0

Running the tProxy

At this point, run the tProxy with:

cargo run -p translator_sv2

If the translator starts properly, you should see log lines similar to:

2023-03-28T12:16:03.130356Z INFO translator_sv2::upstream_sv2::upstream: PROXY SERVER - ACCEPTING FROM UPSTREAM: 2023-03-28T12:16:03.175910Z INFO translator_sv2::upstream_sv2::upstream: Up: Sending: SetupConnection { protocol: MiningProtocol, min_version: 2, max_version: 2, flags: 6, endpoint_host: Owned([48, 46, 48, 46, 48, 46, 48]), endpoint_port: 50, vendor: Owned([]), hardware_version: Owned([]), firmware: Owned([]), device_id: Owned([]) } 2023-03-28T12:16:03.177935Z INFO translator_sv2::upstream_sv2::upstream: Up: Receiving: Sv2Frame { header: Header { extension_type: 0, msg_type: 1, msg_length: U24(6) }, payload: None, serialized: Some(Slice { offset: 0x7f50fe42a010, len: 12, index: 1, shared_state: SharedState(128), owned: None }) } 2023-03-28T12:16:03.178368Z INFO translator_sv2::upstream_sv2::upstream: Up: Sending: OpenExtendedMiningChannel(OpenExtendedMiningChannel { request_id: 0, user_identity: Owned([65, 66, 67]), nominal_hash_rate: 5000000.0, max_target: Owned([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255]), min_extranonce_size: 8 }) 2023-03-28T12:16:03.179222Z INFO translator_sv2: Connected to Upstream! 2023-03-28T12:16:03.182523Z INFO translator_sv2::template_receiver: Template Receiver try to set up connection 2023-03-28T12:16:03.190738Z INFO translator_sv2::job_negotiator: JN proxy: setupconnection Proxy address: 2023-03-28T12:16:03.192886Z INFO translator_sv2::job_negotiator: JN CONNECTED 2023-03-28T12:16:03.232878Z INFO translator_sv2::template_receiver: Template Receiver connection set up 2023-03-28T12:16:03.233755Z INFO translator_sv2::upstream_sv2::upstream: Up: Successfully Opened Extended Mining Channel 2023-03-28T12:16:03.234006Z INFO translator_sv2::upstream_sv2::upstream: Is future job: true

2023-03-28T12:16:03.234211Z INFO translator_sv2::upstream_sv2::upstream: Up: Set New Prev Hash 2023-03-28T12:16:03.284539Z INFO translator_sv2::template_receiver: Received SetNewPrevHash, waiting for IS_NEW_TEMPLATE_HANDLED 2023-03-28T12:16:03.285990Z INFO translator_sv2::template_receiver: IS_NEW_TEMPLATE_HANDLED ok 2023-03-28T12:16:03.287963Z INFO translator_sv2::upstream_sv2::upstream: Send custom job to upstream

Warning: To create more custom configs, save them in the same conf/ directory.

cargo run -p translator_sv2 -- -c [your-custom-config.toml]

4. Start SV1 Miner

After initiating a pool and a translation proxy, the next step is to start an SV1 miner.

Physical ASIC Miner

For those with a physical ASIC miner, setup is straightforward. Point your ASIC miner to the local tProxy:

stratum+tcp://<tProxy ip>:34255

Here, tProxy ip refers to the IP address of the local machine running the tProxy.

CPU Miner

If a physical miner is not available, testing can be done with CPUMiner.

Note: Download the binary directly or compile it from the provided URLs.

You can download the binary directly from here (opens new window); Or compile it from

cd Downloads/
./minerd -a sha256d -o stratum+tcp://localhost:34255 -q -D -P

This will establish a connection to the translator proxy using the sv1 protocol.

Expected Output

Upon successful connection, the output should resemble:

  • Connected to localhost ( port 34255 (#0)
  • Connection #0 to host localhost left intact

[2023-03-28 14:18:11] > {"id": 1, "method": "mining.subscribe", "params": ["cpuminer/2.5.1"]} [2023-03-28 14:18:11] 128 miner threads started, using 'sha256d' algorithm. [2023-03-28 14:18:11] < {"id":1,"error":null,"result":[[["mining.set_difficulty","ae6812eb4cd7735a302a8a9dd95cf71f"],["mining.notify","ae6812eb4cd7735a302a8a9dd95cf71f"]],"000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000002",8]} [2023-03-28 14:18:11] Stratum session id: ae6812eb4cd7735a302a8a9dd95cf71f [2023-03-28 14:18:11] > {"id": 2, "method": "mining.authorize", "params": ["", ""]} [2023-03-28 14:18:11] < {"id":2,"error":null,"result":true} [2023-03-28 14:18:12] < {"method":"mining.set_difficulty","params":[0.0011655011655011655]} [2023-03-28 14:18:12] Stratum difficulty set to 0.0011655 [2023-03-28 14:18:12] < {"method":"mining.notify","params":["1","ba521c4aba4886ca7319ba89333714504dbd4b2ea11a7b09295e6e046e1407e6","020000000001010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ffffffff2402f20000","ffffffff0200f2052a01000000434104466d7fcae563e5cb09a0d1870bb580344804617879a14949cf22285f1bae3f276728176c3c6431f8eeda4538dc37c865e2784f3a9e77d044f33e407797e1278aac0000000000000000266a24aa21a9ede2f61c3f71d1defd3fa999dfa36953755c690689799962b48bebd836974e8cf90120000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",[],"30000000","207fffff","6422d610",true]} [2023-03-28 14:18:12] DEBUG: job_id='1' extranonce2=0000000000000000 ntime=6422d610 [2023-03-28 14:18:12] Stratum requested work restart [2023-03-28 14:18:13] DEBUG: hash <= target Hash: 000001b0a8b6be5c01c2e79656080eea652a30f49b5d04565ad923753dd9c811 Target: 00000359fca60000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 [2023-03-28 14:18:13] > {"method": "mining.submit", "params": ["", "1", "0000000000000000", "6422d610", "1b4f00da"], "id":4} [2023-03-28 14:18:13] < {"id":4,"error":null,"result":true} [2023-03-28 14:18:13] accepted: 1/1 (100.00%), 171.09 khash/s (yay!!!)

Translation Proxy Log Output

A successful share will be indicated in the Translation Proxy log:

2023-03-28T11:08:51.052292Z  INFO translator_sv2::downstream_sv1::downstream: PROXY SERVER - ACCEPTING FROM DOWNSTREAM:
2023-03-28T11:08:51.052704Z  INFO translator_sv2::downstream_sv1::downstream: Down: Subscribing
2023-03-28T11:08:51.054303Z  INFO translator_sv2::downstream_sv1::downstream: Down: Authorizing
2023-03-28T11:08:54.552777Z  INFO roles_logic_sv2::utils: reduce_path: coinbase_id: [55, 0, 43, 216, 197, 11, 114, 249, 81, 1, 236, 139, 193, 183, 192, 161, 226, 175, 179, 206, 208, 147, 206, 20, 71, 31, 50, 216, 79, 177, 68, 0]
2023-03-28T11:08:54.553161Z  INFO translator_sv2::proxy::bridge: SHARE MEETS DOWNSTREAM TARGET

Warning: If the Translation Proxy log indicates an error, such as "difficulty-too-low", adjust the difficulty parameters in your proxy-config.toml and restart the tProxy.