Wasabi Wallet

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Wasabi Wallet is a wallet that implements CoinJoin. It is open source and written in C#, .NET Core. The package includes Tor and all traffic between the clients and the server goes through it, so IP addresses are hidden. It is easy to install and use. The wallet includes all standard privacy tech like a Hierarchical Deterministic wallet and address reuse avoidance, as well as mandatory coin control. The wallet uses Client-side block filtering to obtain its own transaction history in a private way.

CoinJoins happen between users without any liquidity provider middlemen. As of the beginning of 2019, coinjoins happen approximately once every hour and a half.

Users' wallets connect to a server which coordinates the CoinJoin. The wallet uses schnorr blind signatures (which is similar to the cryptography used in chaumian blind signatures and blinded bearer certificates) so that this server or anyone else does not learn the linkage between the mixed transaction inputs and outputs. The server is run by the zkSNACKs company which has developed Wasabi Wallet, the company makes its income by taking a fee (0.17% per participant as of 2019) from each coinjoin transaction.