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[ BitBrothers LLC is a relatively new service (previously known as that aims to allow you to buy bitcoins using a credit card, however they also offer payments through Moneygram, Bank Transfer, and Cash. As of yet there have been no reports of this site being a scam, or fraudulent in any manner.

Warning: Please be careful with your money. When sending money to an exchange or seller you are trusting that the operator will not abscond with your funds and that the operator maintains secure systems that protect against theft -- internal or external. It is recommended that you obtain the real-world identity of the operator and ensure that sufficient recourse is available. Because Bitcoin services are not highly regulated a service can continue operating even when it is widely believed that it is insecure or dishonest and webpages recommending them (including these) may not be regularly updated. Exchanging or storing significant amounts of funds with third-parties is not recommended.


BitBrothers LLC has recently teamed up with a high risk credit card payment processor in an attempt to allow users to buy bitcoins with their credit cards. Because the risk is so high, the fees are slightly higher than other exchanges, however with the higher fees comes excellent customer service and order tracking. No account registration, verification, or authentication is required. Please keep in mind though, this service still takes ample steps in order to prevent credit card fraud and money laundering.

Transaction Times

The transaction times for this website vary heavily depending on what region you are from, however the typical waiting period for the buyer to receive their bitcoins is just around four days.

Military Grade Encryption

BitBrothers LLC uses the highest level of encryption that the United States Government uses, 256 AES, for each and every communication between their server and your computer. Bitcoin also uses this standard of encryption for the actual network, which is why it is so resilient to attack. Check us out at

Chargeback Prevention

Alongside using a high risk payment processor, a few other services are used in conjunction that lower the rate of fraudulent transfers that go through from 2.19% to .25%.

"Typically, if a transaction is attempted with stolen credit card information, we take every step necessary to find out who that individual is." -Cameron Schorg, C.E.O
