
From Bitcoin Wiki
Revision as of 09:13, 8 November 2011 by Shads (talk | contribs)
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PoolServerJ is a pure java implementation of a Bitcoin mining pool server. It’s functionally very similar to pushpoold. Although there are some differences it is capable of being swapped over with pushpoold without any config changes.


   * Native merged mining support.  Will work with standard bitcoind 0.5
   * SCrypt blockchain support (e.g litecoin)
   * Customisable coinbase transaction (pay block rewards to any wallet perhaps an offline secure wallet)
   * Internal work generation (more than 10x faster than rpc getwork)
   * Work caching - caches work from bitcoind or internal WorkMaker to handle short term spikes in requests
   * Database resilience.  Server can keep running if database goes down and shares will be sent to database when connection is reestablished
   * DoS resilience with QoS support to ensure workers who've submitted valid work are serviced with priority
   * Capable of pulling work from multiple bitcoin daemons to get around the getwork bottleneck and also to provide some redundancy
   * Notify of block change via HTTP to a user configurable URL to support event triggered share processing
   * Cached database handling (optional) to reduce round trips.
   * Supports Mysql, Postgresql, sqlite3 (JDBC based so others can be added easily - currently only tested on mysql)
   * Runs as a Windows service
   * Longpolling support
   * Integrated block monitoring using all available bitcoin daemon work sources
   * Dump shares to Database, log file or stdout
   * Safe restart - shares issued to client are dumped to file on shutdown and reloaded on startup so your miners won't get stale shares if you restart a live server
   * Only dependency is a Java 6+ JDK.
