Talk:Wallet Security Dos and Don'ts (Windows)

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Revision as of 06:36, 1 July 2011 by Forever (talk | contribs)
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Don't keep your computer switched on overnight.

Could you please elaborate on "Don't keep your computer switched on overnight.". Mining is a common case for bitcoiners to leave on their pc over night. Was the idea to not leave on the work pc where the "cleaning lady" might gain access? -- Giszmo 14:42, 28 June 2011 (GMT)

Yes, also you are giving targeted attackers a lot of time to try out different ways to get into your system. --Forever 07:43, 29 June 2011 (GMT)
Huh?? So your worry is that the PC is online +30% increasing the risk by 30%? Sorry but I would remove that point or change it to "Don't allow physical access to strangers." and "Don't plug in any devices of doubtful origin.". If your system is well protected, time should not be an issue. (Maybe an inspiration: I know a guy who had a trigger at his server room door so whenever the door opened you had 60s to unlock the screen and stop the fully encrypted pc from shutting down. A camera was taping who entered the room to the pc's disc so he could check if it was the cleaning lady or strangers.) --Giszmo 10:55, 29 June 2011 (GMT)
Isn't the amount of uniterrupted time your computer is online also security issue? As for devices, that's another good Don't. I'm going to add it. --Forever 06:36, 1 July 2011 (GMT)